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  • BIO

    Biographical highlights:

    Complete List of publications, inventions and citations:

    CARVALKO -“” – Google Scholar

    Brief Bio:

    Carvalko is a technologist, academic, and patent lawyer, who devotes his attention to and writes about the intersection of law and technology. He chairs the Technology and Ethics Working Research Group, Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University. He is an adjunct professor and course creator of: Law, Science, Technology, at Quinnipiac University, School of Law. Faculty member 2018 at the Sherwin B. Nuland Summer Institute in Bioethics, Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University; In 2020 he served as consultant to NATO Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, Innovation Hub, Warfighting 2040 Study; former member, ABA, Section of Science & Technology Law, (former editorial board, SciTech Lawyer; former chair, Behavioral Sciences Committee); Member, Institute Electrical, Electronic, Engineers (IEEE), Society on Social Implications of Technology; Member of the Publications Board,  IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society (currently, Associate Editor of IEEE Society and Technology magazine); Member, Yale Community Bioethics Forum on Biomedical Ethics, Yale School of Medicine.



    As a lawyer, Carvalko has been involved in dozens of cases as a litigator: supervising cases, trying cases and deposing experts, as well as a patent prosecutor instrumental in obtaining scores of patents for his clients. Currently, he is Of Counsel at Wave Law PLLC, headquartered in Northern Virginia, https://www.wave.law/.



    As a researcher, engineer, and technician he had worked over 20 years in computers radar, optics, A.I. (pattern recognition), biomedical devices and communications.  Other positions included:  Director of Systems Integration, Pitney-Bowes/Alpex Computer; Manager, New Product Development, Pitney-Bowes Copier Systems. Alxzka, Inc., President, Chief Engineer, developing fuel purifier systems; and B-47 Fire Control Radar technician, veteran, USAF.


    He holds 18 patents (1978-2021, some jointly) in software, electronics, computers, fuel systems and biomedical devices.


    Carvalko has authored twelve books, four academic, dealing with law, science/technology and the humanities, and has written numerous articles appearing in a variety of publications.


    Non-fiction and technical works:

    Carvalko received the 2024 Global AI Ethics Institute, Paris, France,  white paper prize ‘To Recognise Excellence In AI Research,’ for his 2024 peer reviewed article: Generative AI, Ingenuity, and Law appearing in the IEEE Transactions on Technology & Society. Other representative publications include: Conserving Humanity at the Dawn of Posthuman Technology, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 400 pp.); Between Two Eternities, (Anaphora Literary Press, 2023); co-authored (Cara Morris) The Science and Technology Guidebook for Lawyers (ABA Pub., 2014, 398 pp.); The Techno-Human Shell: A Jump in the Evolutionary Gap (Sunbury Press, 2013); Sentience and Circuitry: Why Machines Can’t Dream (Unpublished, 2025); representative papers:  Generative AI, Ingenuity, and Law, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2024; Future of Pharmaco-electronic Medicine, Quinnipiac Health Law Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2022;  Intelligence Amplification, NATO Innovation Hub, Warfighting 2040 (2020);  Severing of the Species, Implications of Genetic Editing and Artificial Intelligence on the Human Substrate Law, (IEEE, Tech & Soc., 2019); Who Should Own In-The-Body Medical Data in the Age of Electronic Medicine? (IEEE Soc. & Tech Mag., 2014); The Emergence of Pharmaco-Electronics (IEEE, Soc. & Tech Mag. 2015); Policy in an Era of Cyborg-Assisted-Life (IEEE, Tech & Soc., 2013); Introduction to an Ontology of Intellectual Property (ABA, SciTech); Intellectual Property Issues in the Financial & Banking Industries (PA Bar Assn); Patents Pave Way for Strategies in IP Intensive Environments (Cisco World); An Alternative for Distillate Fuel Filtration, (Diesel & Gas Worldwide). Co-author: On Determining Optimum Simple Golay Marking Transforms for Binary Image Processing (IEEE Trans. on Computers); Evaluation of a High Resolution Television Microscope (Proc. of the IEEE). Basic Copyright chapter: Now What? The Creative Writer’s Guide to Success after the MFA (Fairfield U. Press); Co-authored article, Crowdsourcing Biological Specimen Identification, Consumer Technology Applied to Health Care Access, (IEEE Consumer Electronics, Jan. 2015). 


    Creative writing examples:

    Death By Internet, a Novel (Sunbury Press, 2016); We Were Beautiful Once, Chapters from the Cold War, a Novel (Sunbury Press, 2013), finalist Best Historical Fiction, Military Writers Society of America, 2014; Hearts Ablaze, Poetry, (Catspaw Press, 2022); Behind the Steel, poetry (Amphora Lit. Press, 2015);  A Road Once Traveled, Life from All Sides, memoir, 2007); A Deadly Fog, book of poems and essays and poems (2004); Detras del Acero (Editorial Trance, 2015, original Spanish poetry, 97 pp.). Poems: Mela Suse, Bailarina, (Antipodes Periodical, 2022, longest published, bi-lingual periodical circulating in Australia); Mobius Strip, (FLARE: The Flagler Review and in Anomalie Magazine, RE: mind, Goldsmiths University of London, 2015); County Road 80, Manifest West (U. Press of CO, fall 2014); Registered Letter, Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors, Vol. 2 (MS Hum. Council, and SE MS State University Press, 2013); The Road Home, finalist, (Esurance Poetry prize, 2012); The Interior, book of poetry, finalist (Red Mountain Press, 2012). Short stories: Crossing the Evolutionary Gap (IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 2016); Winter Interrupted, All Gave Some (Military Writers Society of America, Anthology, 2014); Road to Suwon (Military Experience and the Arts, 2014); Reminders of the Next Round, (Storytellers, 2013), The Music Lesson, (Headspace, London, 2015).


    Editorial and Essay writing examples:

    Lawyers Bear Responsibility for What’s Wrong with American Justice, Church and State, churchandstate.org.uk 2020; The Procession of Justice, Church and State, churchandstate.org.uk 2020; History Accounts for the Children, Church and State, churchandstate.org.uk 2020; The 47th State Panacea or Perversion,Church and State, churchandstate.org.uk 2020; The Ides of March, Church and State, churchandstate.org.uk 2020; You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet, churchandstate.org.uk 2020; July Memories – From Childhood To Old Age, churchandstate.org.uk 2020; We Cannot Predict With Any Precision Where Technology Will Lead Us, Church and State, churchandstate.org.uk 2018;


    Speaking engagements during the 2000s:

    Pharmaco-Electronics the Future of Medicine, Arizona State University, Future of Innovation in Society, Public Interest Technology Colloquium Series, 2022; Pharmaco-Electronics the Future of Medicine,  Schmidt Program on Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies, and National Power, 2022,Yale University; Social, Organizational, and Practical Considerations of AI Governance, Global Justice Program Annual Conference 2022, AI And Global Governance, Yale University; Technology Governance and Codes of Conduct, Technology Code of Ethics Roundtable, Cleveland State University, 2022. Moderator, The Impacts of Mobile Technology and Regulation in a Pandemic, Understanding Dynamic Ecosystems, 2021 AAAS Annual Meeting; Keynote speaker 2020 IEEE International Symposium of Technology and Society Conference, hosted, Arizona State University, (Zoom); presented paper  Severing of the Species, Implications of Genetic Editing and Artificial Intelligence on the Human Substrate at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium of Technology and Society Conference, hosted, Tufts University. Faculty member, 2018 at the Sherwin B. Nuland Summer Institute in Bioethics, Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University;  Speaker/paper at the 2016 Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies (Tempe, AZ, 2016). Speaker at Center for Inquiry–Transnational, the Coming of the Cyborg (Amherst, NY 2015). Lecturer for the commencement of the 2014-2015 lecture series at the Yale Technology and Ethics Working Research group, Law and Policy in an Era of Cyborgs (New Haven, Sept, 2014); Co-Lecturer, Computers, Software, Biology: The USPTO and Supreme Court’s Slippery Slope Explored, ABA WEBINAR (2014); Speaker at the 2014 Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies  (Tempe, AZ, 2014). Paper presented Policy in an Era of Cyborg-Assisted-Life, 2013 IEEE International Symposium of Technology and Society Conference, Toronto University. Speaker/paper, 2013 Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies  (Tempe, AZ, 2013); Faculty Lecturer, Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Intellectual Property Law Institute, Business Method Patents (Philadelphia, PA, 2007).


    He is admitted to practice law in CT, NY, and before the U.S. Pat. & TM Office.


    1980 JD Quinnipiac U., School of Law, Hamden, CT
    2011 MFA Fairfield U., School of Arts and Sciences, Fairfield, CT
    1972 BSEE Fairfield U., School of Engineering, Fairfield, CT
    1971 AS Fairfield U., School of Engineering, Fairfield, CT
    2017 Diploma, National Institute for Trial Advocacy, Boulder, CO

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